Installing The Requirements Database. The following are the files required to use the requirements database application :- viewsarp.mdb,viewsarp.ldb :- these files contains the requirement viewing application. adsdb.mdb,adsdb.ldb :- these files contain the requirements database for section four of the draft ADS SARPs. sarpdb.mdb,sarpdb.ldb :- these files contain an empty set of database tables. These files are used to hold new requirements databases. The above files should be stored in either the MS Access home directory, or in a directory which is on the operating system search path. A new directory can be created to store the database files and then added to the path by appending the new directory name to the 'PATH' variable in the 'autoexec.bat' file. e.g. if a new directory called SARPSDBS was created to hold the files then the path could be :- PATH=C:\WINDOWS;C:\CPQDOS;C:\;C:\DOS;C:\MOUSE;;C:\WINDOWS\CPQWIN;C:\WINDOWS\NLS;C\SARPSDBS The file tools.doc contains the 'Shall' extraction macro code. This macro is used to extract 'Shall' statements from original SARPs documents during the database population process. It is not needed as part of the requirements database application. Once the files have been copied to the specified directory the application can be started by opening MS Access and then selecting the 'viewsarp.mdb' from the file menu.