The ACCESS project was undertaken between January 1997 and March 1999 by National Air Traffic Services (NATS) Ltd, the Service Technique de la Navigation Aérienne (STNA) and the Deutsche Flugsicherung (DFS) and was part-funded from the European Commission's programme for financial aid in the field of Trans-European Networks - Transport (TEN-T ATM Project 1996-GB-94-S "Aeronautical Telecommunications Network Implementation Feasibility Studies"). This archive contains the Final Study Report together with the interim Work Package (WP) results that were used to generate the study material from which the Final Report was synthesized. Appendix A of the Final Report provides a detailed index to these WPs. If you have any comments on these documents or wish to discuss the ACCESS Report findings in more detail please contact Brian Cardwell, NATS Ltd. ACCESS Project - Work Package IndexACCESS Part 1: Phase 1 - Target ATN Infrastructure
ACCESS Part 1: Phase 2 - Network Implementation Issues
ACCESS Part 1: Phase 3 - ATN Infrastructure Transition
ACCESS Part 2: ATSMHS Interoperability and Validation
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ATN Document Archive > ACCESS